Saturday, October 17, 2009

Top Jungle Experiences

The loudest in the jungle: When you think that breaking waves on the shore are louder than city traffic, then you will be amazed how loud tropical rain on plastic/corrugated iron can be. By far louder than howler monkeys

The most disgusting jungle story: Water is coming from a well, and is stored in a container in the trees for pressure (eco-power shower). Shorly before our arrival people started to fall ill with stomach problems. Turns out a snake and the frog died in the water container. (it was never confirmed if they were fighting before)

The coolest jungle outfit: Take wellies, because you need "safety" when using your chainsaw. Take shorts, but obviously no T-shirt. Take a cowboy hat - instantly doubles your coolness factor everywhere. Get the biggest machete you can find and tie it on your waist. If neccessary you cound round things up with a goldtooth. (sorry no pictures, the camera could not take it)


  1. Dead snake in the water container, big machete on the belt... this is getting better and better :)

    What do you mean about the camera? Hope it didn't die on you in the humidity!

  2. I always love jungle trips. These are amazing!! Nice blog!!! I would tell my jungle experience soon..
